Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Assignment 2A- Differentiated Assessment

Assignment 2A- Differentiated Instruction

            Differentiated instruction is a way to teach students of all backgrounds, learning abilities, and students with different styles of learning. Differing instruction in the classroom provides the flexibility necessary for students to learn new information delivered to them in a way that is accessible. Many times, students struggle with meeting standards in the classroom, not due to laziness but because they cannot access the curriculum. Differentiated instruction allows these struggling students to access the curriculum with the use of a variety to teaching tools, and assistance. Teachers have to first evaluate the students’ level of learning and make sure they know where they stand in learning in order to provide the appropriate support. Teachers use a variety of informal assessments including observation, think-pair-share activities, group discussions, and much more. A variety of adaptations, modifications, and accommodations need to take place in order to successfully teach the entire population of students. I am required to create a rubric for my group of students. I decided to do a writing assignment rubric for 4th grade students. The assignment for my students entails some research about animal habitats. 

       Image result for differentiated instruction             Image result for differentiated instruction

Student Assignment

            The students will choose from a list of animals the one they are interested in, and research as much information about their animal in order to write an informative essay. In the essay, they are required to include an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The students will research about the animal’s habitat, reproduction, and food needs using 3 different sources. Students have to research every area of the assignment and provide descriptive, accurate, vivid, strong, and precise details that provide information about their chosen animal. Students will be required to write two drafts; the first one will require peer-editing. Once all the peer-editing is complete, students will write a second draft which will have to be approved by the teacher. Once approved, students can start typing their final draft, following the format guidelines provided.

Informative Essay: Animal Habitats



Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation

Organization and Neatness

Word Choice


·    Ideas are clear and logical
·    Includes Introduction and conclusion
·    Includes three body paragraphs
·    Includes accurate and vivid details from 3 different sources
·    Makes connections
·    Uses transitional words
·    Uses correct punctuation at grade level expectations
·    Uses a wide range of verb tenses
·    Uses correct spelling words at grade level and attempts to use above grade level vocabulary
·    Subject verb agreement is reflected on sentences
·    Written content has been completed in an organized manner, following the essay guidelines
·    Words are legibly written with the best hand writing on all drafts
·    Final draft is typed, clean, and clearly follows given guidelines
·    Ideas are original
·    Words are always precise and accurately convey the message
·    Writer accurately uses parts of speech
·    Strong, vivid images are described
·    Writer uses a broad range of descriptive words


·    Ideas are clear and logical
·    Introduction and conclusion
·    Includes two body paragraphs
·    Includes some details from 2 sources
·    Some use of transitional words
·    1-3 spelling or punctuation errors
·    Uses proper verb tenses
·    Spells a limited amount of grade level words and attempts to use above grade level vocabulary
·    Subject verb agreement is generally reflected
·    Written content is organized and clear
·    Words are legible
·    Final draft typed or handwritten follows given guidelines
·    Ideas follow a logical sequence and details are clear
·    Words are often precise and most likely convey the message
·    Writes attempts to use varied parts of speech
·    Imagery is often used
·    Descriptive words are often used


·    Ideas are not clear nor logical 
·    Introduction and conclusion do not relate
·    Includes 2 or less body paragraphs
·    Sources used are not available
·    No use of transitional words
·    3-5 spelling or punctuation errors
·    Verb tense is not consistent
·    Grade level spelling words are used with utilization of classroom resources
·    Subject verb agreement in not consistent
·    Focus of written content is not clear
·    Words are not clearly legible, clarification is required
·    Final draft is handwritten and attempts to follow guidelines
·    Ideas do not always follow a logical sequence
·    Words are not always precise, and do not convey the message
·    Parts of speech are randomly used
·    Some imagery is used
·    Lack of descriptive words


·    Ideas are not clear nor logical
·    Mission introduction and/or conclusion
·    Body paragraphs not clearly defined
·    Transitions and details are lacking or not sufficient
·    More than 5 spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors
·    Grade level spelling words randomly used
·    Does not attempt to use of classroom resources
·    Limiter or no subject verb agreement is reflected
·    Content is not focused on main subject
·    Ideas and words used are not clear
·    Details and transitions used are minimal, lacking, and do not follow a specific order
·    Ideas do not follow a logical sequence
·    Words do not convey the message
·    Imagery and parts of speech are lacking
·    Descriptive words are not used
4: Excellent, 3: Good, 2: Needs Improvement, 1: Poor

Rubric’s Explanation

           The rubric includes a grading system based on a scale of 1 through 4, the highest being 4 or Excellent, 3: Good, 2: Needs Improvement, and 1: Poor. The rubric grades four different categories: 1- content, 2- grammar, spelling, and punctuation, 3- Organization and Neatness, and 4- Word Choice. This rubric provides flexibility to differentiate instruction among the students. Every area can be changed, or modified to make room for changes necessary to accommodate students with learning disabilities, English Learners, or students who have varied learning styles. The rubric starts by explaining what a level 4 paper would look like, and moves down to the lowest score. The idea of setting the rubric this way is to encourage students to strive for the highest score. This assignment will require students to research, share information with peers, peer-edit, and discuss any information that is not clear or needs clarification. Students will use the library, classroom computers, and home computer to research about their animal, then will start brainstorming any information. They are able to use graphic organizers if necessary or start right away on the first draft. The teacher will serve as the supervisor during independent time, and the mediator during discussions. 
To conclude, this assignment allows students to independently research their chosen animal, and come up with the information necessary to put together a five paragraph essay. Differentiating instruction during this lesson will allow students to research their content, focus on the process, and come up with the best product in the end.

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